Annabelle (my eldest child) is capable, beautiful, talented and privileged. She’s also almost a teenager making more and more requests regarding the things that she wants…
This Be Captivating Campaign is something she is super glad I’m not making her commit to in the same way that I have. When I first spoke with her about the idea, she was quick to clarify “You’re still allowed to buy stuff for us yeah, Mum?”
She was understandably relieved when I said “Yes”. She’s growing fast and is presently at a tender age, figuring out the things that she values. It’s not the right time for her to commit in the same way I have, but it’s certainly the right time to talk about the trap of consumer culture. To talk about the realities of life for girls her age in Nepal and other countries. Not just the off handed comment that goes something like… “you have no idea how lucky you are”…but to really talk. To show her what projects are funded and why and to modify how she manages the #becaptivating campaign so that her own contributions can still be made for the benefit of ‘them’.
My desire is to shape her heart safely so that she balances care for them with her privileged life.
It wont happen quickly, or easily but it does need to happen purposefully.
You already captivate me Annabelle. #becaptivating in all the right ways as you continue to grow.
Love Mum
PS- To my other three cherubs (two of which aren’t old enough to even be reading this yet). You are awesome and I love you. You are however, far off from being teenagers…and this whole campaign thing is well and truly (for the most part) over your heads (for now)! Will fill you in when the timing is right. xxx