I haven’t shopped for almost six months now. It’s been a slow re-shaping of my thinking. A process to discover alternative ways to get that ‘instant gratification’ feeling that shopping so easily gives. It’s not a process I’ve always found enjoyable; but it’s a process I’m grateful for.
I am thinking differently about my own privileged life and simultaneously, I’m finding myself thinking about ‘them’ much more frequently. This is sooooo at the heart of what I wanted to achieve from this campaign. My thinking about their plight, their pain, their stories to become more than just a fleeting sporadic thought. I wanted their stories to weave into my own life so that they become part of my story. That’s the beauty of humanity…when we invest in someone else, a part of us changes. I love that we were created this way.
When this journey began, no one had any idea we would find ourselves in a worldwide pandemic during the campaign. Yet here we are. In some ways, the fact that shops are shut makes the ‘no shopping’ thing easier to achieve for myself and others; but in reality, that’s not the main purpose behind the campaign and let’s be honest, most people have turned to online shopping instead. The main purpose is raising awareness and funds for them.
I haven’t chosen to stop shopping because I’m not allowed to physically attend a shopping center. I haven’t stopped shopping because I had an out of control addiction. I haven’t stopped shopping because I needed to save money or because my wardrobe is full…I stopped shopping because it completely floored me to discover there are more human slaves today than ever before in earth’s history. The solution to this requires more than a passing thought.
The donations thus far have been wonderful. Captivating International has updated me with what is happening at our border patrol (between India and Nepal). While it is presently closed due to COVID-19, the work hasn’t stopped; in fact there are stories of perilous illegal border crossings that police have asked our staff to assist with. Most tragically of all, we KNOW that once the border re-opens the trafficking numbers will increase to higher than they were before. We know this because during lockdown, families that were suffering but surviving due to their income, are at new levels of desperation and poverty. This will be exploited and women either watch their children starve to death or take a risk to save them… hopeful that what they’re being told is true? It was happening before, but the desperation and vulnerability have increased. All the while, the traffickers themselves have had time to become more crafty with their plans. It’s a brutal combination that will yield devastating results.
We also know that the production of child abuse material has soared during this lockdown.
It’s painful to consider and yet we’re so sheltered from the brutality of it’s actualization before our eyes. I cannot imagine what it would feel like to be at the frontline. Our staff are preparing for this. They are ready… are we?
Be Captivating by tuning in to their stories and making a difference in their lives. Can you ‘go without’ something and make monthly donations to #becaptivating? You might find yourself thinking of them more often than you presently do. It’s certainly been the outcome for me…one I’m grateful for.
They are becoming part of me. Our staff are encouraged by knowing they’re supported with every donation that makes its way to their work….and each person we have intercepted and rescued are more than encouraged…they’re free!
Much love